Project isolation beyond requirements.txt
Read more »: Project isolation beyond requirements.txtI’ve been a Python dev for almost 15 years now and I’ve recently completely overhauled how I keep my development tools and dependencies in check. I’m so happy with my new setup that I couldn’t wait to share it with fellow geeks! Some background I used to use Homebrew to install tools such as pyenv…
Niteo COVID-19 response
Read more »: Niteo COVID-19 responseThis was supposed to be an internal memo sent to my fellow coworkers, but I decided to publish it here on our blog, to encourage other businesses to take similar actions. So here it goes. The situation with COVID-19 is deteriorating incredibly fast, on a global scale. WHO just declared it a pandemic. Additionally, there’s…
Elm: A frontend story that a backend dev can love
Read more »: Elm: A frontend story that a backend dev can loveI’ve been doing Web development for about 15 years now. The first few years were mostly tinkering with PHP and doing basic changes via the browser using Plone. Very early into my career I co-founded Niteo. And got the first few clients. We were n00bs, so we decided to use Plone to build client websites…
Robust REST APIs with Pyramid
Read more »: Robust REST APIs with PyramidIt’s almost a year since we started working on a new project: WooCart. Up until that point, all our projects were “backend-monoliths”, i.e. the backend rendered all necessary HTML and served it to the user. Some templates had some jQuery or Vue.js sprinkled on top, but that was about as far as we were willing…
Why we are backing Earnest Capital
Read more »: Why we are backing Earnest CapitalI always had a vision for Niteo to grow into a factory of sane startups. A combination of internal spin-offs, an accelerator, and a VC fund. But with the emphasis on longevity rather than growth rate and unicorns. A little over a year ago in Lisbon, I had a very long evening conversation about the…
Staging like it’s 2019
Read more »: Staging like it’s 2019The What Here at Niteo we’ve been delivering continuously since about 2011. We started with home-grown fabric scrips that used cron to run svn update && bin/supervisorctl restart every 15 minutes. A lot has changed since then, namely, we’re now running our projects on Pyramid instead of Plone (Plone is great if your problem-space is…
IRL#6: Marrakesh
Read more »: IRL#6: MarrakeshIt was that time of the year again, to spend a full week of in-person time with fellow Niteans in an amazing city! This time, we chose Marrakesh, the cultural & cuisine capital of Morocco, one of my favorite travel destinations. We stayed in a private guest house in the medina, the ancient walled city-center…
Export Plone to PDFs
Read more »: Export Plone to PDFsSince many years ago, we’ve had a private installation of Plone in Niteo that we call Intra. Short for “intranet”. It is meant to hold our company-wide, non-project-specific documents. I.e. financial reports, internal newsletters, various guides, and internal policies. But as of 2017, we moved most of these documents to our public Handbook, so the…
Four meetups in three days
Read more »: Four meetups in three daysThis past week has been quite eventful for me! On Monday, I was still in Lanzarote, enjoying the summer-like weather and beautifully glassy swell from the West. After a sunrise surf on Tuesday, we boarded the plane and headed back to Ljubljana for the real fun to start. FIRE meetup Last year I founded a…