• A month of travel

    A month of travel

    The last couple of weeks I’ve had another bout of traveling to conferences. I’ve been lucky this time: all three events were absolutely amazing! First I went to the Google Summer of Code Mentors’ Summit in California, followed by Wordcamp Bucharest and finally to Tokyo for the annual Plone Conf. GSoC Mentor’s Summit GSoC is…

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  • GopherConUK


    While part of the dev team was still on EuroPython, Janez and I were packing to go to this year’s Go conference in London. This was a first Go conference for me, so naturally, I enjoyed it a lot. The vibe was similar to those old Plone/Python conferences back around 2010. Lots of very smart…

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  • Resuming uploads to Amazon S3

    Resuming uploads to Amazon S3

    I am escaping continental winter at the moment which means my internet connection is not perfect. I was uploading a 1GB file to Amazon S3 via the console.aws.amazon.com and the upload failed at 93%. Just my luck! I didn’t want this to happen again. So I tried using Cyberduck to upload and intentionally turned off…

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  • IRL#4: Istanbul

    IRL#4: Istanbul

    Last month we again held our biannual in-person gathering of all Niteans, the IRL. As is customary, we meet somewhere warm for the winter edition of the event. This year we chose Istanbul, Turkey. A stunning city with millennia of heritage. We’ve gotten good at running IRLs so this one was by far the most…

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  • Recording Talks

    Recording Talks

    Last year on IRL#2, our biannual in-person get-together, we decided to start recording talks, so that those that could not attend in person would be able to watch them at some later point in time. Turns out, there is another great use case for these recordings: onboarding. Whenever a new person joins our team, these…

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  • Conference hiatus is over

    Conference hiatus is over

    Back in the day when Niteo was still a consulting company I had to do a lot of traveling to find and do work. And to attend conferences. I loved to go to conferences. But being away so much, in boring hotel rooms and eating out every day took a toll on my (mental) health so…

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  • Upgrading our Intranet to Plone 5

    While we haven’t done any Plone consulting (well, *any* consulting to be exact) in over 3 years, we still use Plone internally, every single day. It was about time our Intranet got some love, so I put on my disco pants, poured some of Belgium’s finest and got to work. Our installation was an old Plone 4.1…

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  • Thailand was a blast!

    It’s January — time for the “IRL”, our biannual in-person get-together. Summer IRLs happen in (around) Slovenia since that means short travel for the majority of the team plus it’s hard to find a more beautiful place in those early summer months. That said, come winter, Europe gets, well, uncomfortably cold.  And most of us…

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  • IRLs

    NiteoWeb is a remote-first team. While we do have a physical office in Ljubljana, few people go there regularly. Most of us prefer to work from home, from coffee shops or from the beach. Wherever and whenever we feel we are the most productive. While remote work certainly has its benefits, it does indeed have…

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