Category: General


  Published on 2021/01/27

  Last updated on 2021/11/08

 By Team Niteo

Niteo IRL: YA’RLY featured image

After our first virtual IRL in July-2020, it’s time for our first remote-first IRL. Which means Niteans were given options to plan and decide a location where they could meet other nearby Niteans and connect with the rest virtually. So, the plan was to divide and organise Mini-IRLs – one in Lanzarote and one in […]

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Niteo IRL: O’RLY

  Published on 2020/07/31

 By Marbe Ralozo

Niteo IRL: O’RLY featured image

As a remote-first company, Niteo invests in doing bi-annual IRLs (In Real Life) meetups to get everyone in the same time and space. Spending time with Niteans face-to-face is invaluable. The bonds we create during IRLs are strong — but our meaningful connections do not come from the onsites alone. We consciously work to develop […]

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Keeping your head above water by managing your tasks and time

  Published on 2020/02/28

 By Bjørnar Myrheim

Keeping your head above water by managing your tasks and time featured image

In this blog post, I’ll write a little bit about the tools and methods I used to manage the chaos that used to be my workday. In my previous job, I was managing the IT departments in four different high schools. Every day at work I would get at least 50 emails and a lot […]

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IRL #8: Bangkok

  Published on 2020/01/27

 By Team Niteo

IRL #8: Bangkok featured image

Wohooo! It’s 2020 and time for our first IRL of the year Decade. We decided on Bangkok (known as Krung Thep in Thai) as the IRL location since it has relaxed visa norms and for its undisputed reputation as a fun city. By late Sunday evening and after the hustle-and-bustle for the few Niteans, the […]

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IRL#7: Ljubljana

  Published on 2019/08/01

 By Dejan Murko

IRL#7: Ljubljana featured image

It’s mid-year and it was time for In-Real-Life meetup in the hometown of Niteo, Ljubljana. Mid-year IRL is usually a bit more relaxed since there is no major reviewing or planning that needs to take place. Therefore we had a quick overview of the last half a year and then worked on a few important […]

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We got banned from PayPal after 12 years of business (updated)

  Published on 2019/05/09

  Last updated on 2019/05/17

 By Dejan Murko

We got banned from PayPal after 12 years of business (updated) featured image

Update: PayPal restored our account, and they were as descriptive as when banning us. This was after a call and tweet confirming the “final decision”. We’re appreciative nonetheless. 🙂 Original post continues below You’d think that being a legitimate online business, having 12 years of history with PayPal, and hundreds of thousands of dollars processed, […]

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Design. Technology. Cool shit.

  Published on 2019/03/01

 By Yevheniia Nikitina

Design. Technology. Cool shit. featured image

Last week I traveled to Amsterdam to attend FITC conference 2019. I got inspired both by the city and the conference, and want to share some themes I encountered there. As a note, I’d like to mention this was the 12th year of FITC in Amsterdam, a smaller version of the original conference from Toronto, […]

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World Usability Congress 2018

  Published on 2018/11/09

 By Yevheniia Nikitina

World Usability Congress 2018 featured image

In the middle of October, I went to Graz to attend World Usability Congress. This conference first started 10 years ago and even though it’s not a huge one (around 450 attendees), it attracts designers, managers and product owners from all over the world. It was my first time there and I’m pleased to say […]

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The Niteo Handbook update – less bloat, more information

  Published on 2018/09/24

 By Dejan Murko

The Niteo Handbook update – less bloat, more information featured image

Documentation naturally grows with the company. But if you’re not careful it can quickly become bloated and unnecessary detailed. This happened to us this year. We’ve noticed that a large part of The Niteo Handbook was too complicated, too detailed and the writing style too strict. It was time to refresh it. We’ve removed a […]

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IRL#5: Ljubljana

  Published on 2018/08/06

 By Dejan Murko

IRL#5: Ljubljana featured image

Summer is a great time to be in central Europe because of long days and good weather (when it’s not scorching hot). It is one of the reasons why we hold our mid-year IRL in Ljubljana, the other being that it is close to many Niteans which makes it easier and less expensive to organize. […]

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