Ever since the day NixCon 2024 dates were published, I was sad I was not going to be able to make it due to some personal stuff taking place that week. But then about 10 days before the event, the personal stuff got moved, and I was free to go! Yay, Berlin!
It was so nice to meet in person a bunch of Nix people I have met over the years, either online or in-real-life, and talk all things nix, and beyond. As often, of all the talks, I enjoyed lightning talks the most.
I attended a few workshops and the stand-outs had to be the introduction to devenv.sh by Domen, and a deep dive into NixOS Tests by Jacek. My most recent open source repo is already using devenv. And I’m planning to add NixOS Tests for some Elm libraries that I use and help to maintain in nixpkgs.

Speaking of Elm and nixpkgs, the last day of the conference was a “hackday” or what some of us old kooks would call a “sprint”. I started working on refactoring Elm packages from node2nix to buildNpmPackage.

Apart from conferencing, we had many a good beer, a private tour of one of the oldest hackspaces in the World and even a proper wood-stove sauna! Could be worse!
Catch y’all at ThaigerSprint, OceanSprint or the next NixCon!