Attending this conference really feels different from the other non-German conferences. The conference is organised and prepared with German precision. Everything was taken care of and the only thing you need to think about is to learn as much as you can and have a good time. And that we did …
The keynote was held by Nicola Iarocci. He talked about his journey in the open source community. I have yet to hear such an inspiring talk regarding open source. He used to be an introvert and he couldn’t speak in public but after his first Python conference (where he also gave his first talk) his world changed. He highlighted the benefits of open source and encouraged listeners to work more with open source.
The funniest and most entertainment talk was by Miroslav Šedivý. Apparently, a day has 24h +/- 1 hour. There are almost 600 time zones! Before the 1st WW, there were more than 20 timezones just in Europe. I can’t imagine the confusion back then. That said we still have places where the confusion persists. For example, North Korea and Turkey often change timezone because of some event they have. Turkey change into summer time zone (GMT+3) on March 28, 2011, at 3:00 a.m. instead of March 27. This was because of the nationwide exam on 27th. In 2014 they did something similar because of the election and then we have several reports where officials respect the time change but cell phones and airlines do not. So yeah a lot of confusion regarding this.
In the following weeks, all the presentational slides should be uploaded to so make sure to check them out.