A dev’s MacBook from scratch
Read more »: A dev’s MacBook from scratchI’ve been a long time Apple user. I hate a lot about the company’s policy and how they treat their power users, but I love the tight integration between their software and hardware. Another thing to love is their migration tools. You buy new hardware, you click Restore from backup and you are done. Safari…
WP Meetups
Read more »: WP MeetupsA few months back I noticed we actually have regular WordPress Meetups in Ljubljana, our base town. We attended one in April, where David talked about theming and Emanuel about bringing WordPress into the Public Sector. On the second one, in June, we were active participants: Janez and myself delivered a talk titled Lessons learned running 25k WordPress blogs…
Read more »: Y U NO USE CLIPBOARD MANAGER??!??!11?!oneoneEvery time when I am in a pair-programming session and the other person does not use a clipboard manager I am taken aback at how such a thing is even possible. To me, a clipboard manager is such an essential piece of toolkit that I forget it’s there. What is a clipboard manager? In its…
Dear Plone, welcome to year 2014
Read more »: Dear Plone, welcome to year 2014TL;DR: Production-level Plone on free-tier Heroku: https://github.com/niteoweb/heroku-buildpack-plone First, a bit of history: it was year 2006 and I was realizing that I was not made to be an academic. I made my first strides into entrepreneurship and being in IT, the first logical step was to create a few websites and try to get paid…
Load overrides.zcml in plone.app.testing
Read more »: Load overrides.zcml in plone.app.testingToday I was working on a project where we use overrides.zcml to easily override some default Plone behavior. All was working fine (in the browser, that is) until I started writing tests for our custom behavior. First thing I noticed was that the overrides.zcml was not loaded in our test layer. “Doh, I need to…
Dexterity vs. Archetypes
Read more »: Dexterity vs. ArchetypesTL;DR: migrating your Archetypes content to Dexterity shrinks your Data.fs considerably! I’ve started looking into migrating Archetypes content in one of the sites we’re running to Dexterity. But before I started coding I wanted to make sure that the juice is worth the squeeze. The site contains roughly 130k content objects. Most of them are…
Raspberry PI boot to browser
Read more »: Raspberry PI boot to browserHere at NiteoWeb, we use various SaaS monitoring and logging providers such as Librato Metrics and Papertrail to keep on top of our Plone and Pyramid projects. Hence the need to have a wall-mounted screen to display various graphs and outputs these services. What better way to drive the screen than a Raspberry Pi! Getting…
Robot on Travis – uploading results to S3
Read more »: Robot on Travis – uploading results to S3This is a walkthrough of how one could upload to Amazon S3 screenshots and other output files produced by Robot framework ran in a Travis CI build. The reason why we want to do this is to be able to inspect what Robot sees and have more information when a test fails. It’s written with some…
10 days to sprint in Antwerp!
Read more »: 10 days to sprint in Antwerp!The Belgian Beer Sprint is nearing ever so closer! Only a bit over a week is left until we start this year’s EESTEC Plone sprint. Like last years we invited Electrical Engineering students from around Europe for a week-long introduction to Plone. In the meantime we will have members of the Plone community sprinting on…